Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How is the practice of Buddhism expressed in the United States?

It is nothing unexpected that Buddhism has been grasped by the Americans with zeal. The Buddha was a man of morals. Also, the Chinese bodhisattva is a woman of sympathy. Such are the profound qualities that the American people groups have treasured over the ages †moral standards combined with sympathy. The Chinese bodhisattva, specifically, is an extraordinary motivation for the Americans. She is Kuan Yin: She Who Hearkens To The Cries Of The World (Blofeld, 1997). Is this not the current meaning of America also in worldwide undertakings? Zen Buddhism has recognized that ‘All is One.’ at the end of the day, there is no basic distinction between the various types of Buddhism rehearsed in the United States today. Fire up Patti Nakai composes that the American female adherents of Tibetan Buddhism have been at the front line of managing women’s issues. To put it another way, the American lady is attempting to intently tail She Who Hearkens To The Cries Of The Wor ld. The American man, as well, is following her lead, by voicing his fomentation at shameful acts all through the world, and supporting his administration in battling for human rights everywhere.The American ladies, while battling for women’s rights, don't stop for a second in referencing Shakamuni’s impugning of ladies to demonstrate their point, be that as it may. Shakamuni knew ladies as minor items before it was disclosed to him that ladies, as well, ought to be allowed to develop in otherworldliness, just in light of the fact that everything in this world is temporary. At long last, Shakamuni agreed to regard ladies †he had seen temporariness in the demise of his dad. Prior to this occasion, he had been encouraged that ladies were similar to creatures that are prepared to raise, support, and How is the act of Buddhism communicated in the United States?3 engage the other gender. Shakamuni had seen all the ladies throughout his life †from his stepmother to his better half, to all the moving young ladies and hirelings of his castle, as animals that lived exclusively to satisfy men. The change came just when Shakamuni was told by Ananda, â€Å"Give ladies a possibility; we can't state without a doubt that they will bomb except if they get an opportunity to consider and follow the Dharma† (Nakai). Regardless, it was the auntie of Shakamuni Buddha who turned into the principal Buddhist pious devotee and a motivation for the American Buddhist ladies separated from Kuan Yin (Nakai).On the other hand, the American man is enlivened by Shakamuni Buddha himself, who can learn and become dependent on new encounters without turning around to his season of obliviousness. This season of obliviousness is experienced by each spirit; the Buddhist American man thoroughly enjoys the way that there genuinely is no turning around once he has gotten an opportunity to study and practice the direct, straightforward and innocuous Buddhist standards. O ne more motivation behind why American ladies have grasped Buddhism is that the Buddhist idea of karma, with its accentuation on self-information, has become an amazing source in helping them defeat the difficulties they looked in life.American ladies accept that by utilizing the Buddhist idea of karmic requital, they consider themselves liable for the disasters in their lives. These ladies have now come to accept that those disasters are of their own making †that they have made their own torment. Rehearsing Buddhism, at that point, is a type of ‘psychological healing,’ by methods for which they not just take part in the Christian articulation of ‘Know thyself’ yet additionally start a procedure of self-recharging. Sharon A.Suh (2004), the writer of Being Buddhist in a Christian World: Gender and Community in a Korean American Temple further composes that the Buddhism of mental mending for female experts at the Korean How is the act of Buddhism communi cated in the United States? 4 Buddhist, Sa Chal Temple in the United States, varies from the Buddhism comprehended by the male professionals, who don't comprehend Buddhism as a passionate and fortune-chasing religion like the ladies do. Or maybe, the American man seems to show more enthusiasm for the scholarly and political ways to deal with Buddhism.He needs to truly see how Buddhism can be utilized to promote the interests of his country other than improving his position/circumstance in the home and work environment. American Style Buddhism There are two principle sorts of Buddhism being drilled in the United States today: the Asian outsider Buddhism and the American proselyte Buddhism. On a superficial level, the main contrast between the two types of Buddhism lies in the individual dialects spoken by each gathering. On a more profound level, there are many contrasts in the manner in which each gathering understands Buddhism.The practices of each gathering vary yet normally. In o ur day, there is an expanding group of insightful examination and works on the American proselyte Buddhism, and in spite of the fact that the American individual needs to take a gander at a wide range of Buddhism, the individual is left with no decision however to take part in American style Buddhism. The American is, no uncertainty, expected to get their language all the more obviously, aside from the advantages of simple distinguishing proof with American style articulations (Suh). Changing over to another religion consistently requires study. The American Buddhist isn't guileless either.All styles of Buddhism (and all religions, truth be told) view the government assistance of the person regarding the human culture, just as the government assistance of the human culture concerning the person, as their main intrigue. The American Buddhist isn't just rehearsing various types How is the act of Buddhism communicated in the United States? 5 of contemplations to find a sense of content ment with himself and the world; at the same time, as referenced beforehand, likewise to battle for human rights in the United States and over the world, though peacefully.Karma Lekshe Tsomo composes on the women’s rights issue at the bleeding edge of Buddhism: Since 1987 Buddhist ladies from around the globe have started to join on a grassroots level and accept initiative in working for the government assistance of human culture. Presently, only fifteen years after the fact, the Buddhist women’s development is perceived as an exceptionally unique discussion speaking to more than 300 million ladies around the world. This development, rising up out of the edges into the worldwide spotlight as a power for social change, is a case of how ladies can join their assets and gifts, workin congruity, and make noteworthy commitments to worldwide comprehension. This inventive development centers around Buddhist women’s issues and viewpoints, yet grasps every single living being. It is creative in joining insightful viewpoints, profound practice, grassroots activism, and social execution as similarly legitimate components of women’s experience. Making a discussion that joins ladies from such a rich assortment of foundations, controls, and points of view with deference and gratefulness is a declaration of women’s colossal potential for worldwide change (â€Å"WomenPracticing Buddhism†). Buddhism views itself as a religion of harmony. In any case, for there to be by and large harmony inside the individual and the human culture, all issues of significance to the individual must be managed in a quiet and agreeable way. The American would not feel fulfilled until he has managed issues that worry himself. It is hard for this person to feel settled until the individual has astutely handled the human rights issues in the public arena, for instance, sexual segregation. All things considered, the American has changed over to Buddhism keepin g its advantages in mind.This individual would not make due with less, similarly as the Buddha never relinquished his standards. The American Buddhist might want to encounter harmony at home, harmony at work, and harmony in the network everywhere through their change to Buddhism. Imbalance and segregation, for instance, have taken harmony at numerous levels. In any case, Buddhism is empowering How is the act of Buddhism communicated in the United States? 6 the American to be consistent with Self, and to be calm in each circumstance so as to effectively cause peace.Karen Andrews, an American Buddhist lady, clarifies the significance of segregation in Buddhism itself: Buddhism has, since its commencement, gradually moved east, from India through China, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Japan. Most as of late, it has started its hop over the sea to the United States. With each move, the outflow of Buddhism has changed to suit the way of life of the individuals. Buddhism has not yet been in the United States (or some other Western nation) sufficiently long to form into a reasonable new structure, appropriate for Western culture.There are numerous parts of conventional Buddhism which need slight adjustment so as to be acknowledged inside the mind boggling structures of Western culture. One of the zones of customary Buddhism which present day Western Buddhists locate the most tricky is the territory of sex. In most Asian Buddhist customs, the pioneers and instructors are altogether male, while females are given less renowned jobs. Western Buddhists will in general originate from exceptionally taught and socially liberal foundations, which implies that they will in general feel that people are equivalent and ought to be given equivalent open doors in all endeavors.This contrast of supposition among Western and Asian Buddhists causes a specific measure of strain. Despite the fact that the American lady cherishes Buddhism for the opportunity, poise and harmony it permit s her to appreciate, this Eastern religion is additionally disadvantageous as far as Buddhist male centric society. To assume responsibility for this burden, numerous American ladies have spearheaded a sexually impartial and sex free method of comprehension and rehearsing Buddhism. This has been made simple by the way that Buddhist lessons don't rotate around divine disclosures that would take into consideration no adjustment in the comprehension and practice of Buddhism.American ladies who have been raised to detest separation, have decided to disregard the conspicuous chauvinist rehearses in Buddhism by following a m

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Olympic Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Olympic Games - Essay Example Be that as it may, there was insufficient positive reaction from the representatives. That was really concocted for the investigation of beginner sports, he again voiced his view on the recovery of the Olympic Games and was enchanted when different nations taking an interest in the Congress concurred with him. Following this agreement, delegates chose to have Coubertin build a board, containing individuals from different nations, to direct the primary Modern Olympics in Athens, Greece. That board of trustees headed by Demetrious Vikelas from Greece managed the arrangements for the games and that panel just turned into the later day and now working International Olympic Committee. In this way, Pierre de Coubertin is generally recognized as the originator of the cutting edge Olympic Games, alongside Demetrios Vikelas. The three Latin expressions of Citius, Altius, and Fortius turned into the Olympic maxim, with Coubertin himself proposing in the wake of having obtained it from his comp anion Henri Didon, a Dominican cleric who showed the game to understudies. The games began at the Athens’ Panathenaic Stadium feeling celebratory on sixth April 1896 and finished up on fifteenth April. â€Å"The modem games were introduced in style, with the custom and exhibition that Coubertin felt was basic to their social purpose.† Competitors originated from 14 countries, with around 245 competitors, every one of whom were male. From those beginnings, the games kept on occurring with expanding number of nations and competitors at regular intervals, except for the years during the World Wars.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for Panic and Anxiety

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for Panic and Anxiety Panic Disorder Treatment Print How the Emotional Freedom Technique Treats Anxiety Alternative Treatment for Panic and Anxiety By Katharina Star, PhD facebook linkedin Katharina Star, PhD, is an expert on anxiety and panic disorder. Dr. Star is a professional counselor, and she is trained in creative art therapies and mindfulness. Learn about our editorial policy Katharina Star, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 06, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 01, 2019 Peter Dazeley / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Treatment Symptoms Diagnosis Coping Related Conditions The Emotional Freedom Technique, or simply EFT, is an experimental method that has grown in popularity. If you have been contemplating the use of EFT for the treatment of panic disorder, it is important to be aware that the effectiveness of this alternative method has not been established and has often been considered pseudoscience by the clinical psychology community. The following describes an overview of EFT and considerations about this alternative method. How It Works The Emotional Freedom Technique, or simply EFT, is a method that was developed by Gary Craig with the desire to help clients let go of negative thoughts, memories, and emotions. This technique involves stimulating specific pressure points on the body while recalling painful memories or upsetting thoughts. Craig derived EFT out of Thought Field Therapy (TFT), a technique created by psychologist Dr. Robert Callahan that incorporated traditional psychotherapy and tapping. When creating EFT, Craig simplified the TFT process so that most people can easily benefit from this method. During the EFT process, a person is either guided by an EFT practitioner or is self-guided to focus on distressing thoughts or emotions while tapping on certain places throughout the body. These specific spots where the person is instructed to tap are considered points of energy, known as meridians, which are similarly stimulated during acupuncture. Instead of using needles as an acupuncturist would, the EFT client is instructed to use ones own on fingers to gently press on these points. By tapping on these areas and bringing one’s awareness to negative emotions, EFT purports that one may be able to let go of some negative emotional energy. Can EFT Help With Panic Disorder? EFT is thought to assist a person in releasing emotions that are holding one back from experiencing more happiness and satisfaction. This technique has grown in popularity as an alternative method to help cope with challenging emotions associated with various mental health disorders, including mood and anxiety disorders. Initial research on EFT has shown that this method can potentially help reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety associated with numerous mental health conditions,  including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), specific phobias, and panic disorder. It should be noted that these initial research studies have been thought to have some significant methodological flaws making their interpretation problematic. Additional studies are needed to determine if EFT can be useful to treat panic and anxiety symptoms. Additionally, this method is not endorsed or approved for training by major professional associations of mental health practitioners, including the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Counseling Association (ACA). Finding Help for Panic Disorder People diagnosed with panic disorder often struggle with intense feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety. These difficult emotions and other symptoms can negatively impact the panic sufferers quality of life. As a person’s life is interrupted by panic and anxiety, relationships may suffer, a career can be affected, and goals and responsibilities may be put off. If you believe that you are struggling with anxiety or other symptoms of panic disorder, it is important that you seek help from your doctor or qualified mental health specialist. Only your doctor or licensed practitioner can provide you with an accurate diagnosis. She can also assist you in developing a treatment plan that is appropriate for your needs. There are several main treatment options available that can assist panic sufferers in managing symptoms and getting back on track. Some of the most common treatment methods include attending therapy, taking prescribed medication, and practicing self-help techniques. Most panic sufferers will choose a combination of these options as a safe and effective way to cope with panic attacks and other symptoms. Psychotherapy and medications for panic disorder have been scientifically evaluated and proven for safety and effectiveness. Alternative treatment methods, including EFT, should only be used as a complement to these treatment options. If you are considering EFT, be certain to discuss this option with your doctor. He will be able to help you determine if this alternative method would be an appropriate addition to your treatment plan. Find Relief With the 7 Best Online Anxiety Support Groups

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Review On Thomas More Utopia - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 660 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category Society Essay Level High school Topics: Utopia Essay Did you like this example? Thomas More published Utopia in the year of 1516 which was around the time of the Reformation When writing Utopia, More intended his title to mean No Place. Pretty much every detail about Utopia that Hythloday gives is indirectly critiquing parts of Europes fundamental identity. The ending of this book leaves many questions, thus has the reader wondering if this place was simply made up, a perfect society seems impossible, and it is impossible. There are too many aspects of Utopia that completely contradict themselves. Hythloday is clearly unhappy with the state affairs in Europe as he continuously critiques it. As the book goes on it becomes more and more apparent that he is dissatisfied with the way things are going in Europe from corruption, poverty, inequality, and violence. As he describes this differing society on a mysterious island called Utopia he begins to find relief, but even that does not last. Upon his return to Europe, he begins to come to the realization that not a lot of people are open to the idea of the social systems that Utopia uses, and from here things only get more difficult for Hythloday. It becomes clear that even if Hythloday ended up staying in Utopia, he would being to notice flaws with differing aspects of that society as well. To have a true Utopia means that everyone must be satisfied at all times, which is not possible. This even further solidifies Mores meaning of the title meaning No Place, as it is contradictory. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Review On Thomas More Utopia" essay for you Create order Pride is definitely an issue in the eyes of Hythloday, and he sees it as the main issue for everything from poverty, to bad kings, and any other social, economic, and political issue. He believes pride is the core of all other sins and issues. He explains that in Utopia, pride is never reinforced and therefore it is not an aspect of the society of Utopia. However, not all pride is bad, there are times when pride is even a positive thing and can be essential to accomplishing great things. In retrospect, Hythloday has an issue with pride himself, maybe even more than the rest of Europe as he believes he is correct about everything it takes to create a perfect society. This is another instance of contradictions. It is apparent that Utopia is not a regular, normal island for a multitude of reasons. However, Utopias social organizations are likely the most blatant difference between Utopia and all other societies. In almost a proto-Communist way, Utopia is expressed as a society that lacks a class-system, hierarchies, and yes has very rigid family structures. This is such a radically different manner in which people live together, that More is going back and forth as to whether or not everyone should have equal social status, or if it is better to have some degree of social hierarchy, as it may be valuable. This lack of concrete consistency, again leads to the idea of No Place. Utopia has tons of social commentary, and when Hythloday arrives at Utopia, he is rather bewildered by their unconventional way of eliminating wealth, they have no private property. With the lack of private ownership there is no status of wealth or even status of poverty. Therefore, people are uninterested in being rich. Hythloday likes this because he states there is no greed and therefore everyone is satisfied (except for him, because it makes him think of how greedy and money driven the society of Europe is). Again, this emphasizes that this place could not possibly be perfect. Additionally, owning things brings people joy and can make them happy, it gives them a feeling of personal independence, so it is not realistic that in a society where there is no private property, that everyone is happy. Furthermore, Hythloday claims to despise wealth, but yet he enjoys spending time with his wealthy friends and what their wealth has to offer, which is another instance of him contradicting himself.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Truman s Foreign Policy On President Of The United States

Throughout his tenure as the President of the United States, the public opinion of Harry S. Truman has varied wildly, from being beloved by most all the American population, to being opposed by that same populace a few short years later. Though his domestic policy certainly did not help him, Truman’s foreign policy, the most famous, or infamous, depending on how one looks at it, was the most influential with the public. The anti-communist fervor in the United States, coupled with a few other factors, led to the Truman Administration’s increasingly unpopular actions in its foreign policy. The main causes of Truman’s unpopularity in his second term as president were rooted in his anti-communist and imperialist foreign policy towards the end, and after World War 2. Before delving into how Truman’s foreign policy affected public opinion on him, it is important to see the man’s own beliefs on the subject. On foreign policy, Truman claimed that his foreig n policy had been made â€Å"on the basis of an informed public opinion and overwhelming support† (Source 2 p.190), and he wasn’t wrong to a certain extent. It was successful in the way Fmr. Secretary of State Christian Herter describes: â€Å"a successful foreign policy must†¦ to be effective, command the support of the vast majority of the American people-otherwise it would not be given the tools by the Congress which are essential to its fulfillment.† (Source 2 p. 191). While most of his decisions were initially made from publicShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at the Cold War996 Words   |  4 PagesUnion and the United States escalated with the end of World War II in the summer of 1945. The Soviet Union and the United States, having been on the Allies fighting against the Axis, were both victorious world superpowers at the end of WWII. 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Roosevelt on April 12, 1945. In the course of Truman’s eight years in office he came across with massive challenges in both foreign and domestic affairs. Truman’s approaches toward the Soviet Union in the Cold War, and overseas became a major way of leading foreign policy in America for generations. At home, Truman protected and reinforced the New Deal reforms of his predecessor, guided the American economyRead MoreDifficulties of Trumans Taking the Presidency from Roosevelt 1626 Words   |  7 PagesAs Vice President, Harry S. Truman seldom saw President Roosevelt, therefore acquiring no updates on the progress of the atomic bomb or the developing predicament with Communist Russia. After Roosevelt’s unexpected death, these dilemmas as well as an array of wartime problems became Truman’s to resolve as the new president. When he came into office on April 2nd, 1945, World War II was nearing its end, leaving Europe in absolute chaos. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Chula Vista Nature Center Free Essays

The Chula Vista Nature Center Tamitha Y Sprenger SCI 256 March 29, 2012 Tim Boyajian Chula Vista Nature Center San Diego, to many it’s a land of dreams from coastal backyards to mountain views as well as many areas that imitate the dessert like climates of Arizona. However, it is not just a home for people, but also for many animals and plants as well. California has partnered with the U. We will write a custom essay sample on Chula Vista Nature Center or any similar topic only for you Order Now S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California fish and game to help protect the diverse species of plants and animals that share the lush beauty of this land. One way they are striving to accomplish this task is through the Multiple Species Conservation Plan (MSCP). One organization that assists in the restoration of the native plant and animals of Chula Vista is the Chula Vista Nature Center. The Chula Vista Nature Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing environmental education on coastal resource conservation, and building a respect for wildlife in the lives of the people. It rests on the 316-acre Sweetwater March National Wildlife Refuge, and provides an interactive learning experience by introducing the guest to the way the native creatures live in their natural habitats. Some of the interactive exhibits include the turtle lagoon, the shark and ray experience, and the native plant gardens. One can even see burrowing owl nests and the bald eagle. At the native plant and garden visitors will be provided with staff fully knowledgeable on composting gardens. These staff members will then give a demonstration that will teach visitors how they can help make home gardens healthy and safe by reducing the use of toxic fertilizers that destroy the native plants. Some of these native plants guests will be able to enjoy are the Shaw’s Agave, Sagebrush, Coast Barrel Cactus, The California Wild Rose, and many more. With these beautiful and fragrant flowers guests will also enjoy butterflies, hummingbirds and other native birds. The Chula Vista Nature Center takes guests on an underworld adventure though the Discovery Center. Here, one will learn about the Rainbow Trout, California Lobster, Red Diamond Rattlesnake, Moon Jelly and more. Guest will find them selves traveling though the bay, to the marshlands and then into upland areas as they stroll through the Discovery Center. Interactions with humans for these plants and animals are beneficial to their survival. Without the knowledge of s disasters that put them in danger of extinction many of these creatures will have already been gone, and humans will only learn of them from books. With the help of The Chula Vista Nature Center, these native creatures will have a chance to grow, and live as they were meant to live. Humans will experience the beauty of the land, and the natural resources that are provided for them by the land. Human life does not come solely from their attempts to grow their own plants, or breed their own animals. It comes from working together with the plants and animals that naturally live and grow in the environment. References County of San Diego (2009). MSCP Biology. Received March 26, 2012 from http://www. sdcounty. ca. gov The Chula Vista Nature Center (2010). The Chula Vista Nature Center. Received March 27, 2012 from http://www. chulavistanaturecenter. org How to cite Chula Vista Nature Center, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

PG and Godrej free essay sample

Why did Richard not able to jell with local conditions? Answer: Richard found these government meetings frustrating. Even though he always phoned to make firm appointments, the bureaucrats usually kept him waiting for half an hour or more. Not only that, his meetings would be continuously interrupted by phone calls and unannounced visitors as well as by clerks bringing in stacks of letters and documents to be signed. Because of all the waiting and the constant interruptions, it regularly took him half a day or more to accomplish something that could have been done back home in 20 minutes. What went wrong with the joint venture? Why did it break up within four years of its formation? Answer: The major points to end the Joint Venture are as follows. 1. Pamp;GG would become a fully owned subsidiary of Pamp;G with Godrej selling it’s 49% stake to Pamp;G. We will write a custom essay sample on PG and Godrej or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2. Pamp;G would retain most of the sales force and the distribution network which most of the sales force and distribution network which Pamp;GG acquired from Godrej soaps. 3. The soap brands of Godrej which had been licensed to Pamp;G would revert to Godrej soaps. . Pamp;G would retain the detergent and scourer brands it had brought from Godrej. Godrej gave the following explanations for the breakup of the joint venture. It would enable both the companies to pursue the business opportunities thrown open by liberalization. Strangely, the reasoning given for the alliance when it had been formed about four years ago was that it would enable them to exploit better the opportunities provided by liberalization.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Analysis of Embrace, Billy Collins Essay Example

Analysis of Embrace, Billy Collins Paper Embrace Line by line Analysis â€Å"Embrace† is a poem by Billy Collins that depicts perspective and identity at the same time. In a strong use of imagery, Collins brings out a number of contrasting ideas. At one moment, a couple is embracing, and the next, they are desperately languishing in solitude. A closer look at the poem reveals the aspect of a portrait. However, there is suspense as to whom the portrait depicts. Figurative language is clearly used to explain the personas emotional anguish. Pertaining to perspective, the poet employs perfect use of the second person. The use of imagery brings out the denotations of the poem to help the reader understand the deeper meaning in the poem. In the first line, â€Å"You know the parlor trick† (in 1), the poet uses the word ‘parlor’ to denote an isolated place where people meet to converse. It is suspense to the reader as to whether the reader knows such a place. This indicates what transpires in the rest of the poem, as the reader must understand the meaning of a parlor. The persona shows a deep need to embrace. Wrapping is one of the imagery used, â€Å"Wrap your arms around your own body† (ln 2), it signifies psychological volatility and thus straightjackets are used. It indicates an aspect of isolation and solitude for an individual wrapped up in a straight jacket. †And from the back it looks like (In 3) the use of vivid description is clear. The persona introduces visualization for a clear understanding of what he is talking of. â€Å"Someone is Embracing you† (ln 4) creates a mood of emotional connection. The fourth line together with the third line use vivid description to show his emotions and the personas longing to connect. â€Å"Her hands grasping your shirt† (ln 5) uses vivid description to show actions and personality of a female. Her fingernails teasing your neck† (In 6) the reader identifies the connotative meaning of the poem and proof the poet is eager to connect with another individual after a long period of solitude. Imagery depicting the ex tent of loneliness he longs for her presence and touch. There is a lot of suspense as the â€Å"her† in the poem is not known, and her relation to the persona seems to be tight. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Embrace, Billy Collins specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Embrace, Billy Collins specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Embrace, Billy Collins specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Contrast is also clear in the poem â€Å"From the front is another story† (In 7) one would expect that the persona has the same experience from the front similar to the back. On the contrary, â€Å"Alone† is used in the eighth line â€Å"quite close. You never looked so alone† (ln 8) to bring out the aspect of contrast and prove there is solitude. â€Å"Your crossed elbows and screwy grin† (ln 9), the persona uses imagery in the phrase â€Å"Screwy grin† to give a clear picture of the person. â€Å"You could be waiting for a tailor† (In 10) the persona introduces symbolism of a tailor â€Å"To fit you with a straight jacket† (In 11) this â€Å"straight jacket† symbolizes the need to have someone who is extremely close to the persona. The tailor therefore, symbolizes the person with the ability to create a connection with the persona and relieve him of his solitude. â€Å"One that would hold you really tight† (In 12). Ther efore, the persona is yearning for affection from another person because of seclusion. The persona is of the notion his seclusion is going to be cured by being held with a tight embrace or a hug Figurative Language . The persona has significantly employed the use of figurative language. The persona uses contrast to show the distinction between a lonely person and one who is not He also makes use of symbolism â€Å"from the back† (In 3) to allude to the past. The use of vivid description is also significant as the persona describes his experience of solitude and sadness. It gives the reader a visualization of the personas emotions. The use of suspense creates a rapport that draws the reader into poem. The persona employs various images such as straightjacket, embrace, really tight and grasping to bring out the emotions clearly. In conclusion, all these images depict a perfect sense of perhaps personal loneliness, sadness and depression because of solitude. Work cited Collins, Billy. â€Å"Embrace† Poem Hunter. 1994. Web. 1 October 2012.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Climate Change Is Affecting California Professor Ramos Blog

How Climate Change Is Affecting California Will Climate Change leave California a disintegrated, arid wasteland? What even is climate change in the first place? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that climate change is simply ‘â€Å"any change in climate over time whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ in the article, What Is Climate Change? (Pielke Jr 31). Those who do not know very much about climate change will be granted a range of information specifically about California’s environment and how climate change is shifting it in many ways. Climate change is a very concerning topic for environmental scientists, but the concern shouldn’t be limited to them. This issue affects every Californian citizen, whether directly or indirectly. Climate change is a rather controversial subject because of the correlation between certain human activities and global warming, a type of climate change which has resulted in a slightly higher average worldwide te mperature in recent decades. An intimidating aspect of global warming that has already showed itself in recent times is a higher frequency of wildfires. Exploration of scientific journals and research explains how climate change is affecting California’s wildfire activity, weather patterns, and ecosystems. Through the evidence found, humans may better understand the role they play in the changing climate. According to the joint study by L. Mann and colleagues,  Incorporating Anthropogenic Influences into Fire Probability Models: Effects of Human Activity and Climate Change on Fire Activity in California, wildfire frequency is expected to increase with the changing climate in California (2). In order to support the data given in the article, the researchers use climate models, which are compiled calculations of future climate that use all potential effective factors to show the shifts in climate (2). However, even with these highly specialized forecasting projectors, wildfire frequency and location are still extremely difficult to predict (2). Human population growth in California and climate change variability lead to relatively no real way to extrapolate a wildfire. According to the same study, the majority of fires in the state are actually caused  by  people (2). An approximation of 95% of wildfires are instigated by people alone, which acts as evidence of the potential corre lation between population growth and increasing fire activity (L. Mann et al. 2). Climatic influences are still definitely present though. According to this same study, the number of wildfires is expected to grow with â€Å"increased spring and summer temperatures, early snowmelt, and decreased precipitation† (16). This is a valid prediction, as lower levels of rainfall cause a drier, more fire-prone landscape. From this study’s evidence and predictions, it can be concluded that both population growth and climate change are partially responsible for the increasing number of wildfires in California. To provide a broad idea of the future frequencies of wildfires, the authors state that â€Å"the total area burned in the state is estimated to increase from somewhere between +15 and 50%† which tells scientists that the state could potentially experience many more wildfires than normal (2). This article is useful because we can see some of the ways in which climate c hange is making predictability of wildfires more difficult for scientists. While wildfires are a hot topic in the climate change discussion, weather patterns are also crucial to this issue. What exactly does climate change mean for weather patterns in California? For California, it is all about temperature. According to the article, The Key Role of Heavy Precipitation Events in Climate Model Disagreements of Future Annual Precipitation Changes in California, the increasing temperatures in California are not necessarily causing a drop in the frequency of rain, but instead they are affecting the distribution (W. Pierce et al. 5880). Days with minimal rainfall are expected to decrease, while days of intense rainfall are projected to increase (W. Pierce et al. 5880). This increase in severely rainy days will mostly affect Northern California in the case of flooding and the damage it can cause (W. Pierce et al. 5885). Southern California is expected to have a slight decrease in the number of precipitation events, with a very small increase in intense precipitati on occurrences (W. Pierce et al. 5885). This means that overall, California will most likely experience less annual rainfall, but events of precipitation will be more intense at times (W. Pierce et al. 5885). From this information, it can be concluded that there is a strong possibility of more flooding in California, especially for the Northern side. It can also be concluded that there will indeed be more days with no precipitation. Turning to a different aspect of this subject of the climate warming, it is important to consider how ecosystems are adapting to this in California. According to the article by multiple authors, Predicting consequences of climate change for ecosystem functioning: variation across trophic levels, species and individuals, species’ reactions to rising temperatures vary. To test this, the members of this study conducted an experiment on three Californian marine species, A. Lacertosa (otherwise known as the sea flea), A. Sectimanus (a small crustacean), and   A. Angusta (another small crustacean). The experiment was conducted to observe potential effects that increased temperature had on these species’ biomass (overall mass of the species in the trial). Only one of the species, A. Lacertosa, had a dramatic increase in biomass with increasing temperatures. This experiment only accounts for a very small amount of marine life but it is important because it shows that temperat ure affects species in different ways. This was apparent later in the study when Ulva (otherwise known as sea lettuce) was negatively affected by temperature increase, as the A. Lacertosa’s dramatic population increase led to the Ulva being consumed faster than it could grow (J. Best et al.). According to the article, Adapting California’s Ecosystems to a Changing Climate, other ecosystems have different concerns, for instance, endangered desert species â€Å"such as the desert tortoise . . ., the desert bighorn sheep . . ., and the Mohave ground squirrel† are potentially even more at risk due to the warming climate and reduced precipitation (Chornesky et al. 252). While these species are a very small percentage of those effected by climate change, the danger that this issue presents for ecosystems is the dramatic altering that can occur. Ecosystems are important because they aid humans with â€Å"water storage and delivery, flood protection, nutrient cycling, carbon storage . . .,† and if they change, they may not be able to provide humans with those benefits (Chornesky et al. 247). Now that some of the effects of climate change have been discussed, data on human influence on California’s climate will be provided. The main type of climate change discussed so far has been global warming. This just so happens to be the main type of climate change that humans have influenced. To understand this, one must understand greenhouse gases, which are gases that allow the atmosphere to absorb and keep in heat. Greenhouse gases have always been around, Earth wouldn’t even be habitable without them, but they can have some negative effects when excessive amounts are in the atmosphere. The use of fossil fuels, which release greenhouse gases, as an energy source originally became widespread during the industrial revolution. That trend is still in play and continues to allow the emission of these gases into the atmosphere. This accumulation of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere is one of the causes of the increased aver age worldwide temperature. As mentioned before, greenhouse gases allow the absorption and containment of heat in the atmosphere. To back this up, Dr. Mark Trexler states in the article, Prospects for Future Climate Change and the Reasons for Early Action, that many â€Å"human activities contribute to the GHG emissions that are linked to global climate change† (Edgerton et al. 1393). To clarify, GHG stands for ‘greenhouse gas,’ and Trexler is saying that a lot of daily activities require energy that produces greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change both worldwide and in California. This should be a concern for all Californians because this is something for which nearly all citizens of the state are partially responsible. There are various ways in which climate change has affected various environmental subjects such as the adapting of ecosystems, shifting weather patterns, and the increasing frequency of wildfires. These data should be useful for ordinary Californian citizens who aren’t familiar with climate change. A brief idea was given of how wildfires are becoming more frequent with the warming California’s climate and human population growth, but predictability of these events is limited (L. Mann et al. 2). Ecosystems are affected by the rising temperatures differently, some are thriving and even overproducing, while others struggle (J. Best et al.). The weather itself is changing in California, people can expect less rainy days, but when it does rain, it might be quite a drenching (W. Pierce et al. 5885). The factor of human influence on the climate has been backed by a scientific article, so from that it can be concluded that humans are partially responsible for the climate change we are experiencing today, mainly global warming (Edgerton et al. 1393). The climate change discussion an is important one, and we need to keep it going. While not all consequences of this phenomenon are negative, there are some serious factors to consider, like global warming. In the article, Prospects for Future Climate Change and the Reasons for Early Action, Dr. Alberto Ayala contends that, â€Å"Continued warming is inevitable, but the world needs to greatly reduce its GHG emissions to avoid catastrophic effects on many sectors of the California economy. These effects include increases in the number of extreme heat days by up to a factor of 10 by the end of the century. Climate change will also make meeting our goals to improve air quality much more difficult to achieve† (Edgerton et al. 1391). By this he means that there is a potential danger to the rising temperature, and humans have the power to prevent a potentially disastrous future by simply reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Annotated Bibliography: Best, Rebecca J., et al. â€Å"Predicting Consequences of Climate Change for Ecosystem                    Functioning: Variation across Trophic Levels, Species and Individuals.†Ã‚  Diversity         Distributions, vol. 21, no. 12, Dec. 2015, pp. 1364–1374.  EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/ddi.12367.   http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=truedb=a9hAN=110641619site=ehost- live This article is a brief summary of experimental data from trials involving certain     marine animals. The aim of the experiment was to determine how rising temperature     has an     effect on various species. I am using this source to provide data on how global     warming     has an effect on ecosystems. The study was conducted by Bodega Marine     Laboratory      Department of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis CA,     so I assume it     is credible, it is also peer reviewed and scholarly. 2. Chornesky, Elizabeth A., et al. â€Å"Adapting California’s Ecosystems to a Changing     Climate.†Ã‚  BioScience, vol. 65, no. 3, Mar. 2015, pp. 247–262.  EBSCOhost,     search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=truedb=a9hAN=101371938site=ehost-live. This article is about climate change and its role in changing ecosystems. Also discussed     in this article is how humans are acting to protect certain ecosystems from being     altered in a negative manner. I am using this article to discuss a few more species that     are affected by climate change. This article had numerous authors, all of which having     affiliations with environmental departments, so I assume it is credible. Also, this is a     scholarly, peer reviewed article. 3. Edgerton, Sylvia A., et al. â€Å"Prospects for Future Climate Change and the Reasons for     Early Action.†Ã‚  Journal of the Air Waste Management Association (Air Waste     Management Association), vol. 58, no. 11, Nov. 2008, pp. 1386–1400.  EBSCOhost,     doi:10.3155/1047-3289.58.11.1386. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?     direct=truedb=a9hAN=35128410site=ehost-live This article compiles the comments of multiple environmental experts.   Future     implications of climate change and human impacts on climate are discussed. I am using     this article to add credibility to statements made in my paper and to explain how     humans have influenced the climate. The authors are from various Universities,     institutes, and environmental departments, so I assume they are credible. This also a     peer reviewed, scholarly article. 4. Mann, Michael L., et al. â€Å"Incorporating Anthropogenic Influences into Fire Probability     Models: Effects of Human Activity and Climate Change on Fire Activity in     California.†Ã‚  Plos One, vol. 11, no. 4, Apr. 2016, p. e0153589.  EBSCOhost,     doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153589. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?     direct=truedb=cmedmAN=27124597site=ehost-live This article discusses in great detail the fact that climate change is not the only influence     on increased fire activity. This source brings to light the fact that humans are the     ignitors of most fires in the state of California. I am using this source to give evidence of     climate change being a partial cause of the increasing intensity of wildfires, while also     taking into account human influence as well. The numerous authors are associated with     various environmental departments, so I assume it is credible. This article is also     scholarly and peer reviewed. 5. Pielke Jr., Roger A. â€Å"What Is Climate Change?†Ã‚  Issues in Science Technology, vol. 20, no.     4, Summer 2004, pp. 31-34. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?        direct=truedb=a9hAN=13872536site=ehost-live. This article uses several definitions of climate change formulated by scientific     departments to give the reader an idea of what climate change is. Also discussed in this     article is the fact that scientist sometimes have differing views on how to define climate     change. I am using this article simply to define my topic of climate change. The author     is the Director of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of     Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, so I assume he is credible. This is also a peer reviewed,     scholarly article. 6. Pierce, David W., et al. â€Å"The Key Role of Heavy Precipitation Events in Climate Model     Disagreements of Future Annual Precipitation Changes in California.†Ã‚  Journal of     Climate, vol. 26, no. 16, Aug. 2013, pp. 5879–5896.  EBSCOhost, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-     00766.1. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?     direct=truedb=a9hAN=89587578site=ehost-live This article discusses the future rates and intensities of precipitation in California.     Climate models are used and explain that there will probably be more dry days in the     future, but rainy days might be more intense. I am using this article to explain the     influences that climate change has in weather patterns in California.   The various     authors are all associated with Universities of California, with one exception being from     the California Energy Commission, Sacramento, so I assume this is a credible source.     This is also a peer reviewed, scholarly article. Photo Credits: Link to Desert Picture: https://fthmb.tqn. com/-uyXvH1810Tm8QUPeT33ebdFa48=/9600/filters:no_upscale()/joshua-tree-national-park-california-us-530056063-582c96423df78c6f6a5fbaf7.jpg Link to Car picture: https://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/daily/intelligencer/2018/03/30/30-car-emissions-pollution-epa.w710.h473.jpg Link to Raining/Flooding Picture: floodflaps.com/†¦loads/creative-rain_0.jpg Link to Wildfire Picture: s.hswstatic.com/†¦/wildfire-widescreen-a.jpg

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 77

Reflection - Essay Example Franklin Roosevelt highlighted that the American nation was willing to use its energy, organizing power and resources to defend freedom of other nations. He was keen to highlight that America’s efforts would ensure that the world experiences the four critical types of human freedoms. Roosevelt highlighted that the first essential human freedom was the freedom of speech and expression while the second was the â€Å"freedom of every person to worship God in his way everywhere in the world†1. He further highlighted the third freedom as the freedom from want based on economic understandings that foster a measure of economic security in every nation. According to Roosevelt, the world also needed to enjoy the freedom from fear without any potential threat of physical aggression. Therefore, the freedom from fear was defined as the fourth freedom. Philip Randolph was a civil leader who delivered a speech titled, â€Å"why should we March?†. His speech urged Negros to participate in the march of African American on Washington. Randolph highlights that African Americans had been denied an opportunity to work in the US defense industries. Moreover, other industries did not give African Americans job opportunities. Therefore, many African Americans were subjected to discrimination under the Jim Crow rules. A close analysis of the racial discrimination that Randolph was fighting against reveals a high level of irony when compared to Roosevelt’s, which highlighted the four freedoms. Notably, the American nation promoted the four freedoms but only to the whites. It is ironical that African Americans lived in fear and poverty. Additionally, the African Americans were denied the freedom of speech and expression. Notably, the African American population did not have the chance to enjoy the four freedoms that Roosevelt had talked about. According to Randolph, â€Å"the community is democratic only when the humbles and weakest person can enjoy the higher

Monday, February 3, 2020

Asian Americans have faced from 1965 to today Essay

Asian Americans have faced from 1965 to today - Essay Example They also believe that the affirmative action has affected them in a negative way in regard to admissions to the best universities. For instance, in 1978, the United States Supreme Court gave a ruling that stated that the universities could consider the student’s race during admissions. Majority of the universities adopted this diversity policy in order to attain a student body that was more diverse. However, this diversity policy led to the admission of fewer Asian Americans into universities (Lee 33). Participation in politics is also another issue or problem faced by the Asian Americans. They have attempted to participate in politics in many ways and one of them is through donating money. However, the donations have been viewed as means through which the Asians are attempting to influence Americans politics to their benefits. For instance, in 1996, the Democratic Party was looking for funds for the reelection of President Clinton. Much later the Democrats were blamed for illegally accepting money from the foreigners; these foreigners as identified by the Congressional Republicans and the media were Asians. From this scenario, it is evident that the Asian Americans affected by racial profiling and prejudice regardless of their political affiliations. Their attempts to succeed both in the political and civic leadership are met with strong allegations that they have evil plans to dominate the world (Le 1). Another issue facing the Asians Americans is the great disparity in terms of socioeconomic status, occupation, and education among the subgroups. Some of the Asian subgroups like the Cambodians and the Laotians do not possess a high school diploma. Previously, education has been linked to high-income levels and professional skills but it is also linked to access to health care services. Majority of the Asian Americans are either poor or working for minimum wage and they have no access to

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Fasciola Hepatica: Treatment and Prevention

Fasciola Hepatica: Treatment and Prevention INTRODUCTION   Fascioliasis is a helminthic disease caused by Fasciola Hepatica (liver fluke), which spans worldwide, affecting livestock such as cattle and sheep, which become infected by ingesting water or plants such as watercress, lettuce and spinach (Alatoom et al, 2008). The life cycle of Facisola Hepatica begins when eggs are excreted in the feces of an animal which has been infected. Facisola Hepatica Miricidia move on to its intermediate host (freshwater Lymnaea snail), where it develops into the cercarial form. The Cercariae then leave the snail and encyst on the vegetation of fresh water, until developing into its metacercarial stage. Grazing sheep or cattle ingest the metacercariae, the infective form excyst in the intestine, passing through the peritoneum, later gaining access to the live and bilary tree (Alatoom et al, 2008). Due to migration of the liver flukes, the liver is left necrotized which compromises the function of the liver in animals. These complications may include change in the component of blood, hepatic pathogenesis, liver trauma, decreased lactation, and death (Brennan et al, 2008). Fascioliasis has resulted in a significant loss to farmers and inturn affects the economy as a whole. To control the parasites which cause this disease, treatments such as anthelmintic drugs have been employed in some areas. But as with most drugs problems have arisen, most importantly the development of resistant in parasites to the chemical drugs (Anandaraj et al). This review paper will cover different treatments available for fasciola hepatica, how the parasites have developed a resistance to the available treatment, and new methods in which researchers are trying to combat the drug resistant parasites. Citronella oil and Neem oil For Treatment Anthelmintic drugs have been used to control fasicoliasis disease, but there has been concern over parasites and developing resistance to the drugs. Citronella oil which is collected from dried grass of the species Cymbopogan nardus, and Neem oil which is also collect from dried seeds of the species Azadirachta indic (Anandaraj et al). Experiment were conducted in vitro, exposing the liver flukes to Citronella oil, neem oil, oxyclozanide drug powder treated control and normal RPMI-1640 control at room temperature, in separate petri-dishes. After staining of the dead flukes, flukes were observed under a microscope. Results demonstrated that citronella oil demonstrate flukicidal effect which is very similar to that of oxyclozanide, which affects the tegument, intestinal caeca and uterus of the flukes. But due to no previous study of the effects of these oils on endoparasites , the mechanism by which these oils react to the parasites in not understood (Anandaraj et al). Triclabendazole Drug Treatment Triclabendazole is a drug derived of benzimidazole and is the current drug of choice in the treatment of fascioliasis. Triclabendazole has shown to target Fasciola Hepatica (liver flukes) from as early as 3 days old to fully mature stage, and more importantly, this drug has been shown to successfully eradicate liver fluke infections in humans. (Brennan et al, 2008). For this experiment Eight indoor-reared Dorset X Suffolk sheep approximately 8 to 10 months of age, with no prior liver fluke infection were collected. Sheep stool was examined for fluke eggs to ensure no prior infection to the Fasciola hepatica. The sheep were then artificially infected by oral gavage with metacercarial cysts, which have previously shown to be susceptible to the Triclabendazole drug. Dividing the sheep into two groups, two sheep were used as a control received no treatment, while six were treated with Triclabendazole four weeks after artificial infection. (Brennan et al, 2008). At each time interval 48, 72, and 96 hours, two sheep were euthanized and livers removed for examination and collection of liver flukes, this was also done for control sheep, which were euthanized after 48 hour post treatment. Visual observation demonstrated that liver flukes in the untreated sheep very active with their guts full of contents. Flukes recovered from the treated sheep after 48 hours of treatment were active and clear sign of visible contents in the gut of the liver flukes. When compared to the liver flukes of the control, these showed no differences in appearance and activity. Liver flukes recovered from sheep after 72 hours of treatment were all dead with no gut contents, except for one which displayed minimal activity and little contents in the gut. Liver flukes recovered 96 hours from sheep post-treatment were all dead, displaying a very pale grey color, with no contents within the gut (Brennan et al, 2008) It was observed that the effects of the drug progressive overtime time, affecting the flukes more severely as time passed. On observation of the liver flukes recovered 48 hours post treatment, normal morphology was noted, there was some minor swelling of the parasites tegument. On examination of the surface morphology of the dead liver flukes from sheep treated at 96 hours post-treatment, the surface of the parasites were very serve and extensive. This Included massive loss of tegument in all flukes, the basal lamina of the fluke was exposed as the entire syncytical layer had been decorticated. Lesions exposing the inner tissues of the fluke were also observed in the basal lamina. (Brennan et al, 2008) Researchers therefore concluded that treatment with Triclabendazole is effective in eradicating a vast majority of liver flukes in sheepwithin a three to four day period after treatment. The severity of the disruption of the parasites tegument increased over time, resulting in the total loss of tegumental syncytium and lesions as deep as the basal lamina (Brennan et al, 2008). One draw back of this drug is that is is prohibited in the use of animals that produce cheese intended for feeding humans (Cringoli et al, 2006). Parasite Drug Resistance and Development of New Treatment With Triciabendazole being the drug of choice for the treatment of fasciola hepatia in vetenary medicine, due to the drugs ability to fight against both juvenile and adult stages of fasciola hepatica. Over time concerns have stirred up over Triciabendazole resistant fasciola hepatia, which were first observed in Australian livestock though the mid-1990à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s, and has now spread across Europe and most recently, Spain. The need to develop new drugs to treat fascioliasis has become a pressing issue. Some researchers have experimented with OZ78 and Artemether for the reactivity against adult fasciola hepatia resistant to Triciabendazole (Keiser et al, 2007). 30 rats were infected with 20-25 metacercarial cyst of Oberon. Oberon was reported to have low cure rates in sheep treated with Triciabendazole. 10 rats were then infected with 20-25 metacercarial cyst of cullompton isolates. Cullompton isolates were previously identified as Triciabendazole-sensitive. 12-15 weeks after infection, rats infected with Oberon isolate were treated with Artemether and OZ78. Two groups of rats were treated with triciabenazole in different dosages, and six treated with artemether and OZ78, with untreated rats as a control. Four of the rats infected with cullompton isolate were treated with triclabenazole, and six of the rats treated with cullompton isolate remained untreated with no drugs, serving as a control. 17 days after treatment, rats were euthanized and bile ducts were harvested for observation (Keiser et al, 2007). Collected results demonstrates that Triclabendazole was not suffiecient against Triclabendazole-resistant Oberon isolate of Fasiola hepatica. Though at higher dosage there was a significant worm burden reduction observed. Both Artemether and OZ78 were very effective in treating Triclabendazole-resistant isolate of Fasiola hepatica, both resulting in worm burden reduction by 100%. (Keiser et al, 2007). Efficacy and safety of New Treatment Due to promising action of artemether against liver flukes in rat models, researchers have found it necessary to study the efficacy and safety of this drug in which have been naturally unfected with fasciola hepatica (Keiser et al, 2008). Using Dairy sheep from farms in southern italy, stool samples were collect from 100 sheep, which were randomly selected. All sheep tested positive for fasciola hepatica were used in the study, with an overall collection and examination of 5 stool samples. Sheep were separated in groups depending on their weight and mean eggs count. Group one containing seven sheep remain untreated, groups two and three, containing six sheep each where orally treated with one dose of arthemether at 40 and 80 mg/kg, the last three groups four, five and six, each containing 5 sheep received 40, 80 and 160 mg/kg respectively intramuscular injections of artemether. The sheep were observed for any signs of adverse effects for a period of 8 hours, and once daily after treatment. On days 10 and 27 three to four stool samples were collected for examination for egg burden. All sheep were then slaughtered, removing livers and harvesting and counting fasciola hepatica present. Sheep exhibited no physical or clinical signs of toxicity after being treated orally or intramuscularly 8 hours post treatment. Researchers found that statistically there was no significant reduction in egg count in either oral or intermuscular drug administration, except for administration of 160 mg/kg, where a significant egg count reduction was noted and 64.9%.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Differences in Competencies: Associate Versus Baccalaureate Nurse Essay

The field of nursing has come a long way. It was once considered to be a profession for that of the less fortunate. But as the years went by the field of nursing has made drastic changes in that of schooling and duties of the nurse. No longer has the field of nursing considered for those who has nothing else to do or those of less fortunate, but over the years education has played an important role in the success of this profession. In the eighteen century, nursing were considered to be more hands on, but theories saw the need for a more formal education. Over the years, there have been debates about the entry level for nursing. Some say there’s no difference between the associate (ADN) and the baccalaureate (BSN) degree. In the following paragraphs I will expound on the differences between the ADN and the BSN degree. The ADN program came about because of the shortage in nursing in the post-war years. It is a two year program developed by Mildred Montag designed as an entry level for nursing. Friberg, 2011, p. 14). The outcome of this program was very successful. It yielded the same results and those who had completed the five year program by successfully passing the licensure examination for nurses. Because of this great success the ADN program went full force into action. The ADN program became more popular. It now opens the door for those who were not able to attend the five year program. It worked well for older ladies, especially those who were married, and certainly more cost effective. (Friberg, 2011, p. 15). Nurses at the associate and the baccalaureate level are taught in nursing schools to use the nursing process. This is a tool that is set up for nurses to help the patient recover from their current illnesses, and also to aid the physicians in treating their patients. The nursing process includes assessing the patient or situation, diagnose the patient using nursing diagnosis and gathering pertinent information, developed a care plan on how the needs of the patient will be met, put those plan into action and monitor the patient to see if any changes need to be made to the current interventions. The American Association of Colleges of nursing (AACN) states the difference between the associate and baccalaureate level as that of theory, research, public and community health and that management. (AACN, 2012). Both programs take the same exit exam, the NCLEX to become a registered nurse in order to practice in their own state.. At the BSN level the nurse can take on leadership responsibilities. You may find them as charge nurses, managers, and even as bedside leaders as on the unit that I currently work. Because their training consists more of research; you may also find them to be more efficient with the nursing process. They are able to think fast in an emergency situation and developing a plan of action. Because of their leadership skills they are able to delegate the right task especially to new nurses or those flexing from another floor. My charge nurse currently has her BSN and when in doubt or have questions about a doctor’s order she is always quick in examining the order and ready to make suggestions based on her leadership skills. Three weeks ago I had a fresh post-operative patient from PACU. Upon arrival his blood pressure was 109/62 and heart rate 88. At four A. M. the tech called me and said that the patient’s Bp was 88/55. I immediately lowered the patient’s head and raised his feet, waited for fifteen minutes, then retake his BP. The new reading shows 99/56. Based on the patient’s baseline I was ok with that. I delegate to the tech to retake BP in an hour. An hour later it went even lower. I then went to the charge nurse who has her BSN to let him know of the situation and my plan of action. He immediately got a different BP machine and went to the patient’s room explained what we’re doing and that if his BP is still low we will need to call the emergency response team. To our surprised the patient’s BP was in the low 100’s. At that moment I was not thinking about changing the machine, but he being trained critically was able to think quick in coming up with another plan. I do understand that practice becomes perfect, but the level of education of my charge nurse sure did make a difference. Some say there’s no difference in the competencies of the ADN level versus the BSN level. Based on my own personal experiences and that of the theories, it does demonstrate that those trained with a higher level of education are more versed to critically think their way through problems and act quickly. According to Grand Canyon University philosophers, students are educated to provide, direct, and evaluate client-centered care while focusing on the person as an integrated whole. Baccalaureate degrees also broaden your job search. There are more positions available at this level, than that of the associate level. Most hospitals i. e. Emory no longer employ nurses with an associate degree. A lady once said to me that whatever I am now doing will not take me to where I am going. So it is with the associate degree, based on theological and scientifically advancement, the associate degree will not take us much further throughout this profession.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Democracy Aims of the Ninth Amendment

â€Å"We the People of the United States†¦ do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. † Within those opening words, the framers of the U. S. Constitution made clear their intentions for democracy in America and their disregard for previous despotic institutions. No longer viewing the individual†s highest duty to be obedience to the state, our founding fathers displayed a firm commitment to bolstering the significance and dignity of the individual. This new found faith in the ability of the populace to govern itself is known as democracy. Democracy itself is an ideal that was developed by the ancient Greeks around 500 B. C. Inherent in all of the freedoms of democracy are certain â€Å"inalienable rights† that are guaranteed to every citizen who resides under that democracy. Following the Constitutional Convention, Federalists, who supported the ratification of the Constitution, obtained the support by promising that an enumeration of the rights of all citizens that would be added as an amendment to the Constitution after it had been ratified, to Anti-Federalists who opposed ratification due to the lack of enumerated rights. In order to outline and expound upon those rights, the Constitution was amended almost immediately following its ratification in 1788. The Bill of Rights, as the first ten amendments have come to be known, was put into effect on the fifteenth day of December, 1791, and is a formal declaration given by the government to define the fundamental liberties of its citizens and thus limit its own power. The first eight amendments contain the essential rights of every citizen, as well as certain procedural precautions instituted to insure the protection of those rights. The enth amendment guarantees the limitation of federal control to those and only those powers granted it in the Constitution. Inherent in the ninth amendment is the vitality of democracy in the United States. The ninth amendment reads: â€Å"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. † Amendment nine, while protecting citizens from the infringement of the government on the unenumerated rights of the individual using rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, also levels any implied hierarchy of rights making no single right of any greater importance than another. The preservation of democracy in America is vitally dependent upon the ninth amendment as illustrated by its inherent ideologies that made it an amendment, its modern judicial implications in relation to the topics of the day, as well as its ability to reinforce those attributes that keep a democracy operating. Once the Constitution had been put into effect and representatives had been sent to Congress, it was time for the amendments that had been promised, to be sent before Congress. The leader in the proposition of amendments to the new Congress was James Madison, the â€Å"Father of the Constitution. † Madison†s chief intention in proposing his amendments to the Constitution was to prevent â€Å"†¦ the abridgment of the freedom of the people by [the] gradual and silent encroachments of those in power. † Madison originally proposed fifteen amendments that were to enumerate all of the inalienable rights of United States citizens. Of those fifteen, twelve were accepted by Congress to be sent to the states for approval under the process outlined in the Fifth Article of the Constitution. What would become the ninth amendment was seen even then as innocuous, but Madison was able to support its importance asking, â€Å"If an enumeration be made of all our rights, will it not be implied that everything omitted is given to the general government? † Democracy, as a free-state, relies inevitably on the protection of the freedoms of the individual; because all of the freedoms that an individual has a right to cannot simply be listed, it is vitally important that those rights which are not spelled out in the body of law that protects the individual continue to be protected from usurpation by the government. Through inference this amendment implies in its own wording that the rights that are listed in the Bill of Rights are so important that they needed to be spelled out, but there are other natural rights belonging to United States citizens that were equally important, but too numerous to mention. These â€Å"natural rights† include the right to choose your own mate, the right to reproductive choice, the right to determine the manner of your child†s education, and even covers rights to personal privacy. Certainly no man would argue the personal, as well as democratic significance of these rights. Thus, Madison, foreseeing the possibilities of the rise of the federal government to the already massive position of power that it now occupies kept it from denying Americans all of those rights that even they take for granted, because they cannot be found specifically enumerated in The judicial implications behind the ninth amendment are innumerable, mainly due to the fact that on a regular basis the government does its best to work its way into the private lives of individuals and instruct them on how to better their conduct in the ace of social morality. One pressing issue facing the people of the United States today is that of doctor-assisted suicide. To date, it has been ruled that suicide is in essence self-murder and accordingly, if murder is illegal so must all forms of it be illegal as well, self and otherwise. However, in light of the unenumerated rights guaranteed to citizens by the ninth amendment, this â€Å"right to die† inherently belongs to the individual as it does ot infringe upon the rights of others. Another modern political debate is that of the legality of homosexuality. Seeing as how, regardless of their sexual orientation, homosexuals are citizens of the United States of America, they also have the right to decide for themselves the person with whom they engage in sexual relations. Sexuality is, therefore, one more of the unenumerated rights bestowed upon the people under the â€Å"innocuous† amendment. Wisely effected for this use, the ninth amendment was cited in the case of Roe v. Wade in the determination of a woman†s right to have an abortion. This right, while not enumerated in the Constitution is still a right of the people under the ninth amendment. The ninth amendment, while famously misunderstood and misinterpreted by Judge Robert Bork in his 1987 confirmation hearing, has only recently been utilized as a tool in the fight for the preservation of the individual citizen†s democratic rights. Bork demonstrated his ineptitude and his inability to be a Supreme Court Justice by stating that he could not logically view the ninth amendment from the mindset of the Constitution†s framers. The ability of a Supreme Court Justice to trust his own insinuations into the minds of our founding fathers is what allows them to make a clear, responsible and accurate assertion about the ramifications of the wording of the Constitution. Unenumerated rights are, by definition, rights that are not specifically listed and are, therefore, more or less unknown. If it was possible to enumerate all of the rights that are delegated to the people under the ninth amendment then it would have been done and the innocuity innate in its creation would be forever erased. As those rights remain constantly emerging and on the verge of emerging the Supreme Court will have to continue to expand its interpretation and better use the ninth amendment for the protection of the intrinsic rights of the American citizen. Democracy itself is reliant upon several things to keep it working: citizen participation, voluntary action and education. The ninth amendment strengthens the wide-spread participation of the citizenry by entrusting them with rights that are God-given, rights that are so innately human that they need not be itemized in the body of law that was created to itemize the inborn rights of all citizens. Any and every individual has the right to run for public office. Each individual is also capable of supporting which ever political party he feels best represents his own personal opinions. He also retains the right to keep those personal opinions to himself if he so chooses. Another characteristic of democracy is its faith and dependence upon education. Although widespread participation is a significantly substantial aspect of democracy, it alone does not ensure the proper maintenance of good government. An active populace is nothing if it is not an educated populace. Education is not an institution that can be left to sort itself out, either. Whether an individual should choose to attend public or private schools, continue to a college or university, or perhaps be taught directly by his parents at home is a right that remains his under the ninth amendment. Without the freedoms and rights that are built-into the educational systems of America by the ninth amendment, the ability of the nation to take action, keep informed, vote intelligently and produce leaders worthy of public trust and responsibility would be drastically diminished. The lack of force inbred in all democracies requires a distinct amount of voluntary action to replace it. The right of the citizen to participate or not to participate in the everyday workings of the democracy in which he lives is always his. The ninth amendment can in that manner work against itself, but thanks to the safeguard of education it can be assumed a majority of the individuals inhabiting a democracy are there of their own free will and there because they wish to cooperate with and for the established system and not against it. The successful operation of American democracy, as well as that of any other democracy, is dependent upon the rights granted to the people of the United States by the ninth amendment. In The Federalist, â€Å"Number 47,† James Madison said that, â€Å"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. † Madison proposed the Bill of Rights in order to avoid allowances for the federal government to secure a position of tyranny as well as to promote the permanent establishment of democracy. Amendment nine of the Bill of Rights is the amendment that best exemplifies the preservation of that new state of democracy in America by withholding from the national government all those rights that went unenumerated in the Bill of Rights, but which continue to be retained by the people. The right to personal privacy, the right to a choice of educational institutions, the right to receive an abortion, the right to choose your own sexual orientation, the right to follow the political party of your choosing and even the right to die are all bestowed upon the citizenry by the ninth amendment. Democracy, as an institution of sentiment, law and government, could not survive without the guarantee of the ninth amendment that the people shall retain those rights which were given them with birth and which will neither be denied nor disparaged. The increasing clarity of the ninth amendment will continue to provide boundless possibilities for the people of the United States to not only continue in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but also to inhibit federal interference with that goal.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Book Report On Eric Ross - 2079 Words

Today I was finally granted a day off from work. The first place I knew I would head, after sleeping in, would be to the coffee house down on 1st Avenue. The leaves were just starting to fall outside. Soon winter would be here. The smell of fresh brewed coffee invaded my nose as I stepped inside the door. I walked up to the counter and viewed the numerous amount of tasty treats they had on display today. I ordered a double chocolate muffin with a caramel latte and then sat down on my most loved couch with my sketchbook and pencils. This couch had a lot of memories. Memories of me planning the kill and over analyzing every aspect of it to the memories of me and him cuddling on this couch to a cup of coffee and a good book. Eric Ross was in†¦show more content†¦I decided I would do a little research on him. How could I be so oblivious? The signs were all there, and I was so blind to them. I overwhelmed with the feeling of being used and manipulated. He was the man of my dreams till now. A tear trickled down my cheek as I read the article on some of his history. It wasn’t a tear of complete sadness. This tear was a mixture of anger, sorrow and desperation. Little did I know, he had been married for three years to the woman who gave birth to his child 12 years prior. After more digging, I came across an article about his wife. A year after they got married, they found her dead in the bathroom of his million dollar mansion. She had committed suicide by slitting her veins open on her wrists. She had left a note expressing her feelings about him straying the path from their marriage. So he isn’t cheating now, but he has before. Why is it such a big deal now that he can’t introduce me to his family? Maybe even just his daughter? It was time for Eric and I to have a chat about what was going on between us. So I decided that the next day I would pay him a visit. ************* I made sure I had on my most form fitting outfit that would accentuate my curves. He’ll be putty in my hands. On my way to work I started running through ways I was going to bring it up. Maybe by just asking him about past relationships would be the best way? Or what he thought about kids someday? EventuallyShow MoreRelatedWhat Company Has Become More Successful Than Other Chinese Car Companies1247 Words   |  5 PagesGEELY from China to go outside, and it has high technology for car making because VOLVO has some high technology and GEELY can provide the money to give the VOLVO research and examine the car technology. 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