Sunday, December 8, 2019

Analyses the Role of Culture and Important †

Question: Discuss about the Analyses the Role of Culture and Important. Answer: Introduction The current age of uncertainty is offering both opportunities and challenges within an organization around the world. Certain employees face challenges due to instability in their career. Further, other employees may face destruction at the first time. It is essential that manager, employees, and organization get ready for the human charactersof the existing environment. It may be in the context of the age of uncertainty, concern, and fear for those people who are not assured what to expect. This report critically analyses the role of culture and important. Leadership and Employee retention in the Age of Uncertainty According to Strom et al. (2014), employee engagement is the degree at which employees feel passionate regarding their tasks and are committed to the company and put the flexible option into their performance. It is analyzed that employee engagement is not the equivalent of employee satisfaction. It is also stated that workplace culture and employee engagement is beneficial to increase customer loyalty in the age of uncertainty. Further, satisfied employees can be able to influence customers towards their products and services as it can gain the loyalty of customers. Engaged employees have the high extent of understanding regarding how to attain customers needs. Consequently, it can be opined that engaged employees are beneficial to increase customer loyalty towards the organization. In contrast to this, Ugwuet al. (2014) claims that highly engaged employee may sell to engage customers, increase repeat purchase, improve customer loyalty, and recommend to friends at high extent for the company. It is also known as customer retention because the company makes a psychological and mental link with the customers. De Clercq et al. (2014) opined that employees who are satisfied from their job then they can retain at the workplace in long-term. Work engagement is favorably associated with organizational commitment. It is also analyzed that approximately 85% of engaged employees make a plan on bonding as compared to 27% of disengaged workforces. Furthermore, about 41% of engaged workforces stated that they would stay in case the company gives under pressure on them (Wang, et. al., 2015). On the other hand, He et al., (2014) evaluated that engagement influences the employee performance. In this way, it is analyzed that engaged employee performs work harder and are more loyal, and also more prospect to go the extra mile for their company. It is also assessed that retention is an erroneous factor which encourages a person to attain high extent of performance. From the survey of Wang et al. (2015), it was found that approximately 50,000 employees believed that engaged employees perform 20% better than their colleagues. It is also determined that high extent of engagement at workplace aids employees to take initiatives and following learning goals. It is also evaluated that employees that are extensively engaged are twice greater than other employees. In the age of uncertainty, radical changes take place in the peoples lifestyle and their performances. There are different new technologies like artificial intelligence and globalization that are driving uncertainty at each place. However, Biswas and Bhatnagar (2013) argue that engaged employees have a linear impact on the performance of the company. Along with this, a leader can engage their employees by offering equal opportunities to them. It is also evaluated that engagement at the individual level can be too complex that reliably enlighten much performance. Agarwal (2014) argued that engaged employees are more prospected to sponsor the companies as an alternative to work and highly endorsed its products and services. It is also evaluated that certain organization incorporates specific disengaged persons who will actually discourage others from joining the existing workplace. These persons are also called company terrorists because they discourage others at the workplace. In contrast, Crawford et al. (2014) stated that engaged employees can be able to respond favorably to their superiors in the workplace. As a result, it illustrates good performance that drives success. It may help the manager to become successful and also turn to gain self-efficiency which is favorably associated with work performance. In this way, individuals who have higher self-efficiency are more proactive in initiating the work and achieving sustainable performance. Furthermore, high self-efficiency is a determination to detect the information for accomplishing the problem, even when complexities arise. Karin Andreassi et al. (2014) stated that engaged employees create psychological provocation for their managers. The top executives become keen regarding their workforces to enhance their self-efficiency. In this way, people may feel good and efficient for being competent to engage their team members. Moreover, quash may take place whereby self-efficiency of manager can lead to increase the employee engagement. Thus, both self-efficiency and engagement of manager can favorable impact on employees and also lead to becoming a good effective manager. On the other hand, Jorge Correia de Sousa and van Dierendonck (2014) stated that engagement may lead to positive health effects and feelings with respect to work and organization. In the age of uncertainty, leaders should emphasize on offering health and well-being of people to engage the person since, approximately 62% of engaged employees demonstrate their positive effect as per their physical health. It is also stated that perception of a company in terms of the healthy workplace can lead to gaining the support of employees for their working culture. Albrecht et al. (2015) stated that a leader can engage their employees by offering healthy environment and support them to attain the specified goal of an organization. Further, engagement and investment of the self-efficiency may lead intrinsic motivation, mindfulness, creativity, playfulness, non-defensive communication, authenticity, ethical behavior, increase involvement and efforts, and entire productivity with satisfying the employees. According to De Spiegelaere et al. (2014), the age of uncertainty can create complexities for managers. Workforces want to become positive, optimistic and encourage the person about the future. But, changes in customers need and input can make employees feel insecure and uncomfortable. In this way, the company should emphasize on mission and vision at the time of uncertainty. Furthermore, it should highlight employees that give their contribution towards overall mission and vision. Leaders should formulate an exciting image of the future prospect with regards to their team members and department. They should also share their vision with their team members by describing how they give their contribution to transforming the vision into reality. As a result, employees will feel more engaged while they comprehend their essential role in the workplace, within the department and even in their team. In support of this, Lievens and Vlerick (2014) stated that the prime role of a leader is to build loyal, talented and supportive employees. Leaders cannot manage the task from a distance hence, at the time of uncertainty, the manager should increase visibility and make friendly environment. It is analyzed that employees want a leader who has high knowledge as they can willing listen to them. They also want leaders who are caring to give time to identify their individual problems. It is a critical time to develop a leader within the office, create extra phone calls to off-site workforces and keep in touch through e-mails. Employees who feel that they are connected with an organization are more prospects to feel engaged in the workplace. Employees should be assured to make a schedule to enhance link and emphasize on employee engagement at the workplace. According to Badal and Harter (2014), the leader should maintain open communication with all workforces to create followership. A leader can do this with general discussion by contributing organization level interaction. They should also spend time by emphasizing on the work of the workforce. They should spend time to discuss expectation, the worth of employees role and a key dimension of achievement within the role of each employee. It will help workforces to retain at the workplace by reducing uncertainty and meaningful interpretation regarding how workforce roles may alter into new plans. Furthermore, employees who are eager regarding their future and how their role may alter and develop in the future are more likely to stay connected during the age of uncertainty. In support of this, Qenani et al. (2014) stated that employees like to believe that their efforts contribute to accomplishing the task. Leaders should feel like empowered and contributes to a team member. They should also take time to help employees and emphasize on an outcome that supports mission attainment, and enhance their proficiency and capabilities. Thus, they can continue to make a contribution in the future and confront them to assess innovative ways to perform their role. Leaders should aid the company to find new ways to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness and stay aggressive. Sahin et al. (2014) evaluated that leaders should be receptive to respond to the unique issue at the age of uncertainty. Managers should not move away from the office but should deal with the situation accordingly. The leader helps the team to stay focused by encouraging them to create new approaches for aiding the organization succeed at the age of uncertainty. Leaders can also create an atmosphere to endorse employee engagement in uncertain times. In support of this, Tillott et al. (2013) determined that effective use of cross-culture team can facilitate a source of knowledge and creative thinking to improve the viable situation of the company. Personal conflict may affect the traditional and national project. Cultural diversity among team members may generate misunderstanding during the project life cycle. There are different cultural factors that affect the working atmosphere at the age of uncertainty. These factors are socio-economic, time difference, religious and political diversity, language barriers, and time difference. These factors describe a range of allowable acts as leaders can encourage the self-interest among employees. Landy and Conte (2016)evaluated that leaders should motivate their team members to retain them at the age of uncertainty, although retaining employees may encounter different issues in terms of making multi-cultural communication project. The situation of international projects entails cultural diversity in which employees can rapidly learn. This evidence affects training and education field and has an impact on behavior with respect to the amount of practice, use of technology, level of interaction, and reinforcement. In contrast, Lee (2015) demonstrated that uncertainty avoidance shows the extent to which cultural program to make feel employees either contented or uncomfortable in unstructured circumstances. Unstructured circumstances are unanticipated, unidentified, and novel and distinguished from the standard. The key issue entails the extent to which society makes effort to control the uncontrollable factors. The Hofstedes culture defines that leaders should emphasize on rule orientation, stress, and employment stability. Along with this, the organization should understand the ideas, skills, and experience of workforces as it is vital to get success in the workplace. In the view of Bayl?Smith and Griffin (2014), a leader focuses on listening to employees and assessing engagement at the age of uncertainty. But, it is not enough to collect the feedback and implement it to enhance the organizational success. Thus, it could be increased by new techniques like event-driven, regular pulse survey, and frequent feedback. These techniques can allow people to get their opinions regarding the business issue. As a result, it would be beneficial to retain the employees at the workplace. Leaders should move away towards online and mobile platforms as it would be easy and straightforward for the employees to provide feedback. In contrast, Tillott et al. (2013) evaluated that leaders should build followership and maintain open communication with all employees at the age of uncertainty. Furthermore, leaders should openly interact with employees, since; they cannot help in the work of employees without knowing their concern. Leaders should make assertive communication in which they focus on the circumstances from larger perspectives as compared to other. Employees should state their concern to the leader in the workplace. Further, employees should be able to share an alternative with leaders as it would be beneficial to respond towards new ideas. Along with this, when leaders are unsure about the final result, they should build trust with employees. Agarwal (2014) explained that a leader should motivate the employees and support them at the time of uncertainty. She/he can support the employees to feel positive about their work. Therefore, a leader should ensure open culture and feedback to mitigate the issues of employee uncertainty in the workplace. A leader should also lead to sharing new ideas and need of the employees to create an open environment in the working place. It is also said that the cultural modification is complex but in case a leader can understand the situation of current culture through collecting the views and opinion of employees and then implement the collected data to improve the production level of organization. In contrast, Badal and Harter (2014) stated that leaders can use the innovative technique to change the uncertain time into success. There are different types of sources that are utilized by a leader to communicate with employees such as online communication and email. It creates innovation and b est practices in the working culture. It is also noteworthy that direct communication can help to provide value to the thought and ideas of employees along with enhancing loyalty and engagement. It can also reduce uncertainty and make a clear picture about the situation of the working environment. For eliminating the issues of uncertainty and retaining the workforce company or leader can concentrate on collecting feedback. It will also support the organization to have a distinguished image in the market and gain competitiveness. An organization can also identify those employees who want to quit the job and determine the reasons for leaving their position. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the existing economic instability can influence uncertainty of organizations. The organization can take steps to offer the appropriate data that permit the workforce to retain and engage them in the working place. A leader can address the methods to maintain open communications amongst individuals in the working place. Similarly, a manager can inspire the employees to concentrate on the outcome and opportunities rather than uncertainty and fear. In addition, a leader is accountable for keeping open communications with employees at the workplace. References Agarwal, U. (2014) Examining the impact of social exchange relationships on innovative work behavior: Role of work engagement,Team Performance Management,20(3/4), pp. 102-120. Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., and Saks, A. M. 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